Meet the writer

As a barista, Alex believes that the best things in life, a good drink and story, are worth sharing.

Growing up in the diverse community that is the San Gabriel Valley - AKA The 626 - Alex has always let his imagination run wild through the stories of heartache and triumph that nurtured him.

With a knack for world building, and an interest in comparative philosophy, his writing often explores themes of loneliness, change, and hope through a Sci-Fi and Fantasy lens to remind us to lean into the absurdity of life.

Sharing his experiences with OCD, poverty, LGBTQ identity, and the Asian community, Alex writes about the often difficult process of embracing one’s differences.

Whether it’s brewing up a cup of tea, or an exciting world to explore, Alex aims to bring people together over the simple fact that we are all the same, just in different ways.